Membership fees


Membership fees

Initiation fee

New members pay a one-time initiation fee, based on the category of membership.

Membership categoryFee in €
Provisional Coil Coaters10.000
European Coaters & Paint Suppliers10.000
Other European Members5.000
Non-European with an associated company in Europe that is a member of ecca2.500
Non-European with no associated company in Europe that is a member of ecca10.000

Annual membership fee

The annual membership fee is set on the basis of the following criteria:

Membership categoryCriteria
European Coil Coaters and paint suppliersTheir production level
Other European suppliersTheir business in the Coil Coating sector
Non-European membersFee depending on their relationship with a European Member of Ecca
Stockholders and Scientic / Technical InstitutesSpecial fee

European corporate groups receive one invoice for the annual membership fee, which is based on each group’s global size.

Annual membership fees are available upon request